Episode 4: De-risking cultural change: a strategic approach to organizational transformation

Published on 12 November 2024 Hosted by Dr Lisa Colledge


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In most organizations, cultural change is seen as a daunting, risky venture. Yet, it is vital for the growth and longevity of a business.

In this episode of Culture by Neurodesign, I break down my approach to transforming organizations by managing the risks associated with cultural change. I liken this kind of transformation to the process of launching a new product—there are uncertainties, but with the right steps, it’s no more risky than any other large initiative.

I highlight four key elements shared by all successful cultural change programs: leadership engagement, common purpose, upskilling, and process alignment. These pillars set the foundation for successful change, ensuring that your organization is equipped to navigate the complexities ahead.

But I also share three additional strategies from my own experience that make a difference: leveraging internal influencers, involving employees directly in the process, and adopting an agile mindset. These steps help embed the changes deeply into the organization, ensuring sustainable, long-lasting transformation.

If your company is considering a cultural shift, remember: cultural change is a skill set like any other, and it can be successfully managed.

I'm Lisa, and I help leaders create inclusive cultures that embrace all neurostyles. By empowering every team member to contribute at their best, while fostering mental well-being, you will boost innovation, retention, and talent acquisition—leading to enhanced business performance.

Click here to learn more about how my services can transform your team.


Episode 3: Why cognitive inclusion became my career priority


Episode 5: Driving lasting impact: three case studies of sustainable competitive advantage